Thursday, May 10, 2007

Awaiting Gist

Life leads us in different ways.. Just finding new things all the time.How much or upto what level we understand these things ?? Do we need to understand all of them or just leave them behind knowing them in your heart alone ??.. I get amazed as what you might be lead to or getting lead to knowing these things.
We opt to stay in that world of ours were we are really happy... not knowing the fact that we can be happy here too sometimes.. Its not all that bad all the times.. It just how you intend to see it.One of my friends told me once that " There is nothing Good or Bad ,it is just the perspective we choose to see it", I beleive she is quite right in telling so, as I found myself that all this while which i kept seeing as bad turned out to be good.
It is just the time which makes us speak or see things like this... We have to wait for the time to pass and it might turn up to be what ever you wanted.Very Positive... Ok.. Might also be what you never wanted.
But it all zero`s down to the same you have to wait for everything , wait for the life to take you there, show you these things.Some people happen to see, some people forget to see by then and some ignore to see... even at sometimes others show you,but you still dont see. Waiting has made me grow,think and be patient.
May be I need a break talking all these things.. But let me wait,may be something new coming my way.. who knows.


** Sri Harsha Maiya ** said...

We have choice. Choice to wait.

We keep waiting. Waiting for "Better".

That's almost equal to gambling.
Gambling for "Better things".

Anonymous said...

Dont wait, why not get what you want at this moment? Its in your hands.
Go forward, and take it.